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THE BIBLE: The Ultimate Guide to Life

Thursday, October 8, 2009

When I was still working in one of the design and manufacturing companies in MEZ1, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines, I accidentally plugged a 110V Agilent digital multimeter to a 220V AC power line in the wall. The tester lit up for a second and then went dead.

In our christian walk, there were times when we try to do the same -- plod away without reading the instructions first.

A common example of this is a christian who after a personal encounter with God, still high with the inner peace and spiritual joy from the experience, eagerly made the first step in the great race of life, only to find out later on that he lose that special feeling of closeness to God, the desire to serve Him, the inner peace, and joy. He was falling back to his old ways, he was off tracked.

Why does situation like this happened? Aren't we suppose to be spiritually strong after we are saved?

We are like babies in spirit
Peter 2:2,3

Be like newborn babies, always thirsty for the pure spiritual milk, so that by drinking it you may grow up and be saved. 

After we are saved, we are like babies in spirit, weak and in need of nourishment. This is what most christian failed to realize; with the sincere desire to love God, he set out to follow his examples only to become an easy prey to the many subtle traps of the enemy. He did not know that when he decided to follow Christ he won't be walking against air but against the wall of the enemy. If a man can't easily break a wall how much more can a child be. If a baby will tackle a bull by it's horn, you don't expect him to win, don't you?

Thirst and drink the spiritual nourishment regularly
What is the "ultimate" nourishment or milk that can make us grow strong in spirit?

The words of God.

Matthew 4:3,4
Then the devil came to him and said, "If you are God's Son, order these stones to turn into bread." But Jesus answered, "The scripture says, 'Human beings cannot live on bread alone, but need every word that God speaks.'"

Therefore, the urge to listen and read the words of God after you received your salvation is but normal and natural, much like a new born crave for milk. When you have this urge be happy and indulge with words of God by reading the scripture for your spirit will grow.

Food makes the body grow strong, the words of God make the spirit strong.

A strong spirit is strong in faith 
Romans 10:17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

The christian who is strong in faith, is strong in spirit. But a strong faith can only be attained by knowing the words of God, and applying it consistently in the daily grind of life. How can you have faith in God when you don't even know Him well much his nature, ways and instructions?

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you will grow in your christian life without knowing, and putting into action the words of God. Doing so is like joining a 50km marathon when you are fully dehydrated and/or totally blind. Either you can't last against the every second subtle attacks of the enemy or you may still be running on but on the wrong path.

The bible is our ultimate guide to life
Joshua 1:8
"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

Who wants to succeed and be prosperous in life here on earth, and attain eternal life thereafter?

I can see all of us raising our hands and feet with a big YES! Of course we all want to be successful. The good news is, God has revealed and laid out before us in the holy scripture (the bible) the secrets to success, be it in the physical or spiritual domain.

So the question now is, "Are you willing to devote a portion of your time to know the words of God through reading the bible or are you too busy working and enjoying the world to really care?" "Are you willing to put into practice what you know from reading the bible or are you more inclined to serve your own personal interest and continue following the ways of the world?"

If you are wise, you should follow the advice of Joshua.

Joshua 24:15
...As for my family and me, we will serve the Lord.

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This site is created to spread the words of God over the internet with the intention of imparting the wisdom of God, encouraging, motivating and giving hope to all of us in our Christian Journey. The message posted here are mostly taken from the discussion of the Lexmark Cebu weekly small group bible study group. Please feel free to join.

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