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LORDSHIP: Following the Road Signs

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

After we experienced the joy of receiving our salvation, and made a commitment to follow God, to our disappointment, we still find ourselves tempted and easily fall into the same sin. We start to wonder if we really did receive salvation from God, and if we are really reconciled with Him. Aren’t we supposed to always feel close to God? Aren’t we supposed to not fall to the same sin anymore?

If you fell this way, don't worry it's normal. And don't worry, there's a cure.


When we accept the salvation that God offered to all of us we literally moved from the wrong lane in life to the right track, from the wrong direction (the ways of the world) towards the right direction (God’s way).

But like a car, we can easily be sidetracked to the wrong lane, towards the wrong direction, doing our old ways all over again.

How can we avoid this from happening? What's the cure?


We can only stay on the right track, on the right direction by accepting Jesus Christ as our lord, and by following His ways. We need to strive hard to follow Jesus' ways and examples.


When we accepted Christ as our lord, He became our shepherd, and we became His sheep. Before we got saved, the prince of the world was more or less our shepherd.

What is the difference between Jesus and the enemy?

The ways of the world will lead us towards misery, dissatisfaction, cursed life, empty happiness whereas Jesus will lead us toward a life full of blessings, graces, and ultimately salvation.

John 10:10-11
The thief (refers to the enemy and the ways he promoted in this world) comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness. I am the good shepherd, who is willing to die for the sheep.


Luke 6:46
Jesus said, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’’ and do not do what I say?”

To accept Jesus as our lord is to welcome Him not only in our spiritual life but in every aspect in our life – marriage, parenthood, work, business, finances, relating to others, etc. Not only that, we have to follow Jesus ways, teachings and examples in all aspects in our life. Then and only then we can say that Jesus is our lord.


When we receive our salvation, and when we accept Jesus as our lord and savior, temptations, problems, and difficulties will still come along the way. In short, the old events in our life may still come but when we truly accept Jesus as our lord, this time our response will be different. This time our response is in accordance to God’s way, and hence, the outcome will be different – better to exact. Below is a simple equation developed by Dr. Robert Resnick, a psychotherapist in Los Angeles, which we can use to explain this.

E + R = O
(Event + Response = Outcome)

Before: Temptation + Do what most people do (sin) = Lack of peace, true happiness, curses (a taste of hell)

After: Temptation + Do what the Lord Jesus recommends (obedience) =  Peace, bliss, blessings, graces (a taste of heaven)

1 Corinthians 10:13
Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.

Before when you face temptation, problem, and difficulties, you only see yourself facing the problem. And the problem most of the time is so big that you felt overwhelmed.

Now that you accept Jesus as your lord and savior, you will still face the same big problem but this time put Jesus in the picture – beside you to be exact. He is just there encouraging you and giving instructions (wisdom and knowledge). And at times He gives you rest and He will fight in your behalf.


Proverb 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything that you do, and He will show you the right way.

We can only follow Christ as our shepherd, and our Lord when we put our TRUST in Him. We trust God by faith. We put substance into our faith by following His ways, by making Jesus as the Lord of all aspects of our life.

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