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THE SPOKEN WORD: The Godly Power Within Us

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Do you know that God has given each of us a measure of control (power) over our life? We may not be able to control the things that will happen to us (only God can) but God give us the power to control our reaction to these things. We have the power to either bring blessings or curses upon our lives and that of our love ones.

How? One way is by our words.

The universal purpose of the spoken word is to have something get done.

Psalm 33:9
When he spoke, the world was created; at his command everything appeared.

God used His words to create the world.

In your office, what does your boss normally use to get you to do something? Spoken words of course. E-mail is basically an electronic form of a spoken word; when you write your mails you normally dictate mentally to yourself though not loudly what to write, right?

The spoken word has physical power.
Proverbs 18:21

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

One day your husband/wife or someone you truly love tells you that he/she doesn't love you anymore, and that he/she has someone else in his/her heart, wouldn't you experience physical pain or discomfort?

On the other side, if your boss affirms to you that you did a great job after you finish a whale of a job, you will feel a physical comfort, right?.

Whether we like it or not, the spoken words from other people has the power to affect the way we feel; it does something to our physical life. The same is true of our words to other people.

The spoken word has spiritual power.

Proverbs 18:7

“A fool’s mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul.”

Imagine that you have a book of life. In it everything you do and say got written and read by God, the heavenly beings, and satan. Each page of your book of life has two columns only -- Kingdom of Heaven/God and kingdom of hell.

Every time you speak a word, it will be written on the appropriate column. So you spoken words either affirm your alliance to the Kingdom of Heaven/God or the kingdom of hell. (Both these kingdoms are in the spiritual domain.) Either you unleash the power of the Kingdom of God to your life, and the ones you love or you unleash that of the enemy.

Bottomline, our spoken word does something to our spiritual life, and to that of our love ones -- good or bad.

Our spoken word is a manifestation of our will.
Genesis 2:15
"You may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden, except the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad."

When God created us, he did not make robots out of us, so that we can be programmed to do only His divine will. Instead, God give us the freedom to choose, and He honors the choice we made.

How do we manifest our choice? Through our action, and words.

Revelation 12:10
“…the accuser (satan) of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night.”

Therefore, our spoken word is legally binding even in the spiritual domain. This means that God can use our spoken words to bless us, and protect us from the enemy or that the enemy can use it against us before God. And God being just and holy, can allow the enemy to harm us on the basis that it's our will, as spoken by us.

The spoken word of the righteous nullifies the spoken word of the wicked.
Proverbs 12:6
“The words of the wicked are murderous, but the words of the righteous rescue those who are threatened.”

Halleluiah! God is good, and merciful!

Right now, if you are ensnared, and enslaved by the enemy, your spiralling downward towards a more sinful life, because of a spoken word (decision) you had in the past, don't lose hope because God is loving and merciful. All you need to do to reverse your life right now is to repent sincerely; humbly ask for God's forgiveness, help and guidance; and turn away from your old wicked life and live a "righteous" life.

John 16:23

“I am telling you the truth; the Father will give you whatever you ask of Him in my name."

Once you've done all of the above, then rebuke the curse of the enemy in your life using your spoken word in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

My favorite words are, "I rebuke the work (sickness, poverty, fear, dangers, etc.) of the enemy (on my wife, on my children, on myself, or others) in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ! I only accept the blessings and graces from you my God who is my Father and the Creator of all things. This I pray in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!"

By God's grace it really works.

Matthew 12:26

“So if one group is fighting another in satan's kingdom, this means that it is already divided into groups and will soon fall apart!" 

You cannot rebuke the works of the enemy by your spoken word if you are still dwelling in his kingdom; if you are still living a wicked life, and is distant from God. That simply doesn't work according to Jesus based on the above passage.

Purify your heart and guard your mouth 
Psalm 141:3-4

“Lord, place a guard at my mouth, a sentry at the door of my lips. Keep me from wanting to do wrong and from joining evil people in their wickedness. May I never take part in their feast.”

Let's face it. We are human, weak and inconsistent, which means that it is very difficult for us to capture every thought we have, and to guard every words that comes out from our mouth. We may fall and stumble but this doesn't mean that we have to stop trying.

"God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that we try." -- Mother Teresa

All we need to do is the try with all our heart and mind to change for the better, and God will honor our sincere effort, and He will help us change. God can do anything.

Hebrews 4:12

“For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Practical Applications

(1) Be on guard with what you think and say; do not entertain ungodly thoughts because words originate from the thoughts, and your words create blessing and curses to your life and those you love
      As the wise saying goes, "We cannot prevent the birds from flying over our head but we can prevent it from building a nest."

(2) Avoid the company of ungodly people unless you are spiritually strong, and unless when absolutely necessary
      2 Corinthians 6:14
      "Do not try to work together as equals with unbelievers, for it cannot be done. How can right and wrong be partners? How can light and darkness lived together?"

      As the wise saying goes, "Birds of the same feather flocks together." Either you change them or you will change and be like them.

(3) Use the power of your spoken words by rebuking, using the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the curses and bad things you heard, you thought, and you experienced just loud enough for your whole being to hear it, and be a witness

(4) Strive to live a righteous life and read the bible in order to know how
      Matthew 22:29
      "Jesus answered them, 'How wrong you are! It is because you do not know the Scriptures or God's power.'"

(5) Make it your goal to speak only words of love, faith, hope, blessing, and encouragement to others and to yourself.
      Chinkee Tan, author of the book Till Debt Do Us Part, and For Richer and For Poorer shared a very practical yet very powerful way of answering the question, "How are you?" His recommended answer is, "I'm good! But I know it will become better!"

PS: If this message inspires and enlightens you then give praise to God for all the glory and honor belongs to Him alone...

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This site is created to spread the words of God over the internet with the intention of imparting the wisdom of God, encouraging, motivating and giving hope to all of us in our Christian Journey. The message posted here are mostly taken from the discussion of the Lexmark Cebu weekly small group bible study group. Please feel free to join.

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